Welcome to The Skinny

Hi. My name is Jenna and I love food. I love food so much that I decided to make a career out of it by becoming a registered dietitian or RD. But don’t let the technical name scare you. I prefer to think of myself more so as a food and nutrition enthusiast – someone that loves all things food and nutrition and how it impacts our daily lives and our overall health.

Information on food and nutrition is everywhere, especially on TV and in printed media. But how much of what you’re reading and/or hearing on food and nutrition topics is actually true, healthy, and/or safe?

This is where I come in. I’ve created The Skinny to be an unfiltered, unbiased resource for anyone who has ever had questions about or who wanted to know more about any topic related to food and nutrition. There is no topic that is off limits. My blog will provide you with the skinny on topics including food safety, commercial nutritional products, fad diets, supplements, weight management, clinical nutrition (i.e. nutrition and it’s relation to the body), nutrition for different life stages, cooking and recipes, and everything else in between.  When making decisions about your health and the food and nutrients that go into your body, I believe everyone deserves to have all of the facts necessary to make the most informed and educated decisions. This is what I’m hoping to provide for you.

My blog is only as helpful as you, the reader, make it. The more questions and topic ideas I get from you, the better I can serve your needs!

I look forward to sharing my advice and expertise and providing you with the skinny on nutrition!

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